Business area
Korea Ocean Bio Cluster
O.E.M (Original equipment manufacturing)
O.D.M (Original Development & Design manufacturing)
O.E.M (Original equipment manufacturing)Products are manufactured in the way that company A commissions company B to manufacture products and sells the brand of ‘A’ under the contract between ‘A’ and ‘B’. By providing hygienic and safe products for customers, it is possible to contribute to public health improvement. In addition, by offering quality products to customers, it is possible to realize customer satisfaction and give satisfaction and passion to internal customers through the creation of high added-value.
ODM 이란?O.D.M (Original Development & Design manufacturing)The OEM method is based on the concept of manufacturing and delivering products. ODM method is the system to realize the total marketing ranging from market survey, to product planning, to development, to quality management & shipping, and to PL response support on the basis of our unique technology and know-how.
With the introduction of hygienic factory facilities and ERP management system, our company is able to perform efficient production and quality management. In addition, through R&D Network, it is possible to make overall cooperation and support for marketing and items.